Tuition fee €11,262 per year

1st year – €11,262.00
2nd year – €11,550.00
3rd year – €12,138.00
4th year – €12,138.00
5th year – €12,708.00
6th year – €13,860.00

The total amount for all 6 years of the program – €73,656.00

Tuition fee payments can be made twice per semester, however, to be imatriculated you have to make the first payment for the first semester in full.

Application fee €170 one-time

The application fee is non-refundable. The application will be processed after the payment receipt is uploaded to the system.

Deposit €500 one-time

Students from third countries outside the EU/EEA must make a one-time payment in full, with the full year’s tuition due upon arrival. The deposit is intended to cover potential immigration charges and is refundable upon request after graduation.


Öğrenciler, öğrenimleri sırasında insan morfolojisi (yapı), işlevler (fizyoloji), psikoloji, temel klinik uygulama (anamnez, genel objektif inceleme ve sonuçların yorumlanması, manipülasyon yeteneği) temelinde tıp bilimi ve yöntemlerini öğrenir ve aile ve toplum bağlamında sağlık teşviki ve hastalık önleme konusunda bilgi edinirler. Müfredatı başarıyla tamamlayan mezunlar, asistanlık ve doktora çalışmalarını sürdürebilirler.

Eğitim, AB standartlarına ve MD’ler için mesleki gerekliliklere uygundur. Kazanılan derece, Avrupa işgücü piyasası gerekliliklerini karşılar (Avrupa karşılaştırmalı derece sisteminin bir parçası) ve Avrupa genelinde sınırsız hareket imkânı sağlar.

Tam zamanlı derece programı altı akademik yıl sürer. Dersler genellikle iş günlerinde sabah 8.30’dan akşam 6’ya kadar sürer.

During their studies, students learn the science and methods of medicine based on human morphology (structure), functions (physiology), psychology, basic clinical practice (anamnesis, overall objective examination and interpretation of results, manipulation competence), and gain knowledge of health promotion and disease prevention in the context of family and society. Graduates who successfully complete the curriculum may pursue residency and PhD studies.

The training adheres to EU standards and professional requirements for MDs. The earned degree meets European labor market requirements (part of the European comparative degree system) and allows for unrestricted movement throughout Europe.

The full-time degree programme lasts six academic years. Classes typically run from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on working days.

Career opportunities

Programı başarıyla tamamlayan mezunlar sağlık sektöründe, tıbbi işletmelerde ve kamu kuruluşlarında çalışırlar. Mezunlar ayrıca eğitimli bir doktorun gözetiminde hastanelerde veya sağlık tesislerinde çalışabilirler.

Graduates who successfully complete the programme work in health care, medical enterprises, and government entities. Graduates may also work in hospitals or health care facilities under the supervision of a trained doctor.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment